Autonomy Requirements of Autonomous Robot

Several autonomy requirements must be satisfied to well perform the tasks. These are some requirements:

To carry out tasks in various environments as in space applications, the thermal design must be taken into account, especially when the temperature can vary significantly. At ambient temperatures, the limited temperature-sensitive electronic equipment on-board must be placed in the thermally insulated compartments.

For specified period, IAV can operate autonomously, one very limited resource for under-water and space applications are energy. So IAS usually carries a rechargeable energy system, appropriately sized batteries on-board.

Communication Management
The components on board the vehicle and on-board the surface station must be inter-connected by a two-way communication link. As in both underwater and space applications, a data management system is usually necessary to transfer data from IAS to terrestrial storage and processing stations by two-way communication link. Indeed, the data management system must be split between components of the vehicle and surface station. Thus, the vehicle must be more autonomous and intelligent to perform and achieve the tasks. Due to limited resources and weight constraints, major data processing and storage capacities must be on the surface station. Although individual vehicles may have wildly different external appearances, different mechanisms of locomotion, and different missions or goals, many of the underlying computational issues involved are related to sensing and sensor modeling spatial data representation and reasoning.

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